Queries the state of the interrupt sources immediately. It does not block.

Namespace:  Quanser.Hardware
Assembly:  Quanser.Hardware.Hil (in Quanser.Hardware.Hil.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function PollInterrupt ( _
	channels As Integer(), _
	states As SByte() _
) As Integer
public int PollInterrupt(
	int[] channels,
	sbyte[] states
Visual C++
int PollInterrupt(
	array<int>^ channels, 
	array<signed char>^ states
function pollInterrupt(channels, states);


Type: array< System..::.Int32 >[]()[]

An array containing the numbers of the interrupt sources to be polled. Channel numbers are zero-based. Thus, channel 0 is the first channel, channel 1 the second channel, etc.

Select a board type from the list for board-specific details: .

Type: array< System..::.SByte >[]()[]

An array for receiving the states of the interrupt sources. Each element in the states array corresponds to the same element in the channels array. Hence, there must be as many elements in the states array as there are channels. An element will be true if an interrupt has occurred and false otherwise.

The PollInterrupt method acknowledges any interrupts that have occurred. Hence, a second call to PollInterrupt immediately after the first call will show that no interrupts have occurred unless one happens to occur in the brief interval between the two invocations.

Return Value

The number of interrupts that occurred since the last time this method was called. May be zero.


The PollInterrupt method queries the state of the given interrupt sources. The method returns immediately, even if no interrupts have occurred.


This example illustrates how to poll interrupt sources. It queries interrupt sources 0-3. Exceptions are ignored for simplicity.
C# Copy Code
int []   channels = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
sbyte [] buffer   = new sbyte [channels.Length];

card.PollInterrupt(channels, buffer);
Visual Basic Copy Code
Dim channels() As Integer = {0, 1, 2, 3}
Dim buffer(channels.Length - 1) As SByte

card.PollInterrupt(channels, buffer)
Visual C++ Copy Code
array<int>^  channels = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
array<char>^ buffer   = gcnew array<char>(channels->Length);

card->PollInterrupt(channels, buffer);


Quanser.Hardware..::.HilException If the poll cannot be performed then an exception is thrown. This situtation typically arises if the board does not support interrupt sources or the hardware resources required are in use by a monitor.

See Also