

A python wrapper for a video3d stream. You should not need to create an instance of this class yourself.


Closes a stream.


MediaError – On non-zero return code. A suitable error message may be retrieved using get_error_message.


Close an open depth stream.

>>> from quanser.multimedia import Video3D, ImageDataType, ImageFormat
>>> video3d = Video3D("0")
>>> stream = video3d.stream_open(Video3DStreamType.DEPTH, 0, 30.0, 1280, 720,
...                              ImageFormat.ROW_MAJOR_GREYSCALE, ImageDataType.UINT8)
>>> # ...
>>> stream.close()
>>> video3d.close()
get_camera_intrinsics(intrinsics, coefficients)

Gets the camera intrinsics and the distortion model for the given stream.

  • intrinsics (array_like) – A (3,3) array to fill with the camera intrinsic matrix.

  • coefficients (array_like) – A 5-element array to fill with the distortion model coefficients.


MediaError – On non-zero return code. A suitable error message may be retrieved using get_error_message.


Get the camera intrinsics and distortion model for the depth stream.

>>> from quanser.multimedia import Video3D, ImageDataType, ImageFormat, Video3DStreamType, Video3DDistortionModel
>>> video3d = Video3D("0")
>>> stream = video3d.stream_open(Video3DStreamType.DEPTH, 0, 30.0, 1280, 720,
...                              ImageFormat.ROW_MAJOR_GREYSCALE, ImageDataType.UINT8)
>>> intrinsics = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float32)
>>> coefficients = np.zeros((5), dtype=np.float32)
>>> model = stream.get_camera_intrinsics(intrinsics, coefficients)
>>> video3d.stop_streaming()
>>> stream.close()
>>> video3d.close()
get_extrinsics(to_stream, extrinsics)

Gets the extrinsics transformation from this stream to the given stream.


extrinsics (array_like) – A (4,4) array to fill with the homogeneous transformation matrix representing the extrinsics.


MediaError – On non-zero return code. A suitable error message may be retrieved using get_error_message.


Get the extrinsics transform from the current stream to the given stream.

>>> from quanser.multimedia import Video3D, ImageDataType, ImageFormat, Video3DStreamType
>>> video3d = Video3D("0")
>>> depth_stream = video3d.stream_open(Video3DStreamType.DEPTH, 0, 30.0, 1280, 720,
...                              ImageFormat.ROW_MAJOR_GREYSCALE, ImageDataType.UINT8)
>>> rgb_stream = video3d.stream_open(Video3DStreamType.COLOR, 0, 30.0, 1280, 720,
...                              ImageFormat.ROW_MAJOR_RGB, ImageDataType.UINT8)
>>> extrinsics = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.float32)
>>> depth_stream.get_extrinsics(rgb_stream, extrinsics)
>>> video3d.stop_streaming()
>>> rgb_stream.close()
>>> depth_stream.close()
>>> video3d.close()

Get the latest frame for the given stream. If no frame is available, then it raises QERR_WOULD_BLOCK. Only one frame may be retrieved at a time and the frame must be released before getting a new frame.


MediaError – On non-zero return code. A suitable error message may be retrieved using get_error_message.


Capture and process 1000 frames from the depth stream.

>>> from quanser.multimedia import Video3D, ImageDataType, ImageFormat, Video3DStreamType
>>> video3d = Video3D("0")
>>> stream = video3d.stream_open(Video3DStreamType.DEPTH, 0, 30.0, 1280, 720,
...                              ImageFormat.ROW_MAJOR_GREYSCALE, ImageDataType.UINT8)
>>> video3d.start_streaming()
>>> for i in range(1000):
...     frame = stream.get_frame()
...     # Process...
...     frame.release()
>>> video3d.stop_streaming()
>>> stream.close()
>>> video3d.close()
set_properties(properties, num_properties, values)

Sets the value of one or more properties of a stream. For boolean options, use a value of 0.0 or 1.0. All other options should have a range of 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive. The function will do the appropriate scaling for the internal camera settings. Any values outside the range will be saturated to lie within the range.

  • properties (array_like) – An array of Video3DProperty to set.

  • num_properties (int) – The number of properties in the properties array.

  • values (array_like) – An array of values. Each element in the values array corresponds to the same element in the properties array.


MediaError – On non-zero return code. A suitable error message may be retrieved using get_error_message.


Set the brightness to 100% and the contrast to 50% on a depth stream.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from quanser.multimedia import Video3D, ImageDataType, ImageFormat, Video3DProperty
>>> video3d = Video3D("0")
>>> stream = video3d.stream_open(Video3DStreamType.DEPTH, 0, 30.0, 1280, 720,
...                              ImageFormat.ROW_MAJOR_GREYSCALE, ImageDataType.UINT8)
>>> properties = np.array([Video3DProperty.BRIGHTNESS, Video3DProperty.CONTRAST], dtype=np.int32)
>>> num_properties = len(properties)
>>> values = np.array([1.0, 0.5], dtype=np.float64)
>>> stream.set_properties(properties, num_properties, values)
>>> # ...
>>> stream.close()
>>> video3d.close()