Functions - Alphabetical List
Closes an audio capture session. |
Opens an audio capture session for reading from a device such as a microphone. |
Reads audio samples from an audio capture session. |
Triggers an audio capture session to re-read a file or URL associated with the session. |
Closes an audio render session. |
Opens an audio render session for writing to a device such as a speaker. |
Writes audio samples to an audio render session. |
Closes a video capture session. |
Opens a video capture session, from a camera, file or URL. |
Reads a single image frame from the video capture session. |
Sets properties of the video capture device. |
Starts capturing video from a video capture session. |
Stops capturing video from a video capture session. |
Add a menu item to the context menu of the specified video display window. |
Add a menu item separator to the context menu of the specified video display window. |
Attach a video stream to the specified window. |
Close the video display window. |
Detach the video stream from the display. |
Get the attributes of the window. |
Open a video display window. |
Change the title of the video display window. |
Force the video display window to be visible. |
Write a single image frame to the video display. |
Closes a video sink. |
Opens a video sink for writing, such as an MP4 or WMV file. |
Write a single image frame to a video sink. |
Closes a video3d device. |
Get the frame data in the specified image format and data type. |
Get the frame motion data in meters. |
Get the frame motion data, such as gyroscope, accelerometer or pose data. |
Get the frame number for the given frame. |
Get the timestamp for the given frame. |
Release the frame so that it can be re-used by the video3d API. |
Opens a 3D video capture device, such as am RGBD camera. |
Opens a file to emulate a 3D video device. |
Start streaming on all open streams. |
Stop streaming on all open streams. |
Closes a video stream. |
Get the latest frame for the given stream. |
Opens a video3d stream. |
Sets properties of a video stream. |
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