Writes to the specified other channels.
err = board.write_other(channels, values)
Writes to the specified other channels immediately. The meaning of the values depends on the channel definitions of the other channels for the particular data acquisition card.
If no err output is provided then it throws an exception if an error occurs. In generated code it prints the error message. Use hil_get_error_message to get the message associated with an error code.
The board instance returned by the quanser.hardware.hil.open function.
A vector of channel numbers. Channel numbers are zero-based.
Select a board type from the list for board-specific details: .
A vector of other values. There must be one element for each channel.
A negative error code or zero on success.
% Writes 0.5 to other channel 0, 1.2 to channel 3 and -0.5 to channel 5
board.write_other([0 3 5], [0.5 1.2 -0.5]);
See Also
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