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Table of Contents > QUARC > User's Guide > QUARC External Interfaces > C Functions > Hardware > HIL API > Function Reference > Functions - By Category > Function Categories


Like buffered I/O, the task functions read or write multiple samples from or to the HIL hardware. However, the task functions perform their operations asynchronously as a separate "task". Tasks may be regarded as separate "threads" that run in the background. The user can create a task, start and stop the task, and read data from or write data to the task, or even do both at once.

There are three kinds of tasks:

Each kind of task has its own set of functions, as described in the pages referenced above. However, there are also functions common to all tasks. These common functions allow a task to be started, stopped and deleted. A task that has been stopped may be started again. A task that has been deleted can no longer be used.

The common task functions are:


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