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RCP CL Computation Time Example

This example demonstrates how to use the RCP CL Computation Time VI. For a detailed description of this VI and how it operates, please refer to the RCP CL Computation Time help page.

System Requirements

Please refer to the Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) Toolkit System Requirements to run this example. This example does not require any other hardware.

Configuring the Example

There is no configuration required to run this VI on a Windows PC. Once the RCP CL Computation Time Example.lvproj is open, click the RCP CL Computation Time Example.vi under My Computer and you are ready to execute the example.

Running the Example

Click on the VI Run button or select Run from the Operator menu to start the VI.

This VI returns the number of seconds spent computing the last iteration of the Control and Simulation Loop.

The output is a highly accurate measure of the computation time in milliseconds. The time includes system calls and any interruptions due to higher priority threads or hardware interrupts. It is not the same as CPU time since it can include time spent blocking on I/O

The following is a sample Computation Time graph when switched from LOW to MEDIUM to HIGH in this example.

Click on the Front Panel Stop button to stop the VI.


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