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RCP CL Comm Intermediate Stream Mixed Type Example

This example consists of two communication VIs: a server and a client. It demonstrates how to use the CL Stream Call, CL Stream Answer, CL Stream Write, CL Stream Read VIs from the Quanser Rapid Control Prototyping Toolkit to establish a connection between two VIs. For a detailed description of these VIs and how they operate, please refer to the RCP CL Stream Answer, CL Stream Call, CL Stream Write, and CL Stream Read help pages.

System Requirements

Please refer to the Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) Toolkit System Requirements to run this example. This example does not require any other hardware.

Configuring the Example

Open the RCP CL Comm Intermediate Stream Client Mixed Types Example.vi and the RCP CL Comm Intermediate Stream Server Mixed Types Example.vi under My Computer. To set up the example, select Show Block Diagram from the Window menu or press Ctrl+E while the Front Panel is the active window for both the RCP CL Comm Intermediate Stream Client Mixed Types Example.vi and RCP CL Comm Intermediate Stream Server Mixed Types Example.vi . Ensure that the URI for the server and client are the same in the pink text box, since both VIs run on the same machine. An example of a valid URI is tcpip://localhost:18000. The RCP URIs are described on the Universal Resource Identifiers page. Close the Block Diagram window after all changes to the VI have been made.

Running the Example

Click on the Run button for each VI or select Run from the Operator menu to start each VI. A straight line with an amplitude of 0 will appear in the Data Sent # and Data Received # graphs. Notice that the graph trace is now moving in real time. In other words, the trace passes the 5-second mark after 5 seconds have passed.

On the server and/or client VI, the Signal to Send can be changed by modifying the values of Signals #1, 2, or 3 in the top left corner. The output of the server and client VIs can be visually seen in the Data Sent # graphs. If Signal 3 - Array of Singles changes to [1 2 3] graph Data Sent 3 will display this data. If the server is sending data, the client will be able to show the data sent (and received) on the Data Received graph. For example if the server changes the value of Signal 1 to equal 4, Data Received 1 on the client side will display the change. Before the server and/or client VIs are connected, but running, the Data Received graphs take on the values defined in the Default Output Value section in the top right corner. When connection is established the data received values will change to the values that the server and client VIs send. For example if the server VI is running and its default output value for Signal 1 is 10 and the client isn't connected, then the value in the server's Data Received graph is 10. If the client VI then connects to the server and sends the value 4, the server's Data Received graph will change to 4. When the server and/or client VIs become disconnected, but running, the data plotted in the Data Received graphs are (re-)set to the ones defined in the Default Output Value section in the top right corner.

Click on the Front Panel Stop button to stop the VI.


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