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Table of Contents > QUARC > Blocks > Blocks - By Category > Block Categories > Devices > Third-Party > CRS > Robots

CRS A465 Blocks

Deprecated The CRS A465 blocks have been deprecated.

A465 Motor Pulses to Joint Angles

Converts motor encoder counts to joint angles for the CRS A465 robot.

A465 Joint Angles to World Coordinates

Converts joint angles to Cartesian world coordinates for the CRS A465 robot.

A465 Forward Kinematics

Converts joint angles to Cartesian world coordinates and stance for the CRS A465 robot.

A465 Stance

Outputs the stance corresponding to the given joint angles for the CRS A465 robot.

A465 Inverse Kinematics

Converts Cartesian world coordinates to joint angles for the CRS A465 robot.

A465 World Coordinates to Joint Angles

Converts Cartesian world coordinates to joint angles for the CRS A465 robot.

A465 Joint Torques to Motor Inputs

Converts joint torques to motor inputs (voltages or currents) for the CRS A465 robot.


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