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Table of Contents > QUARC > Blocks > Blocks - By Category > Block Categories > Devices > Peripherals

Host Device Blocks

QUARC supplies a novel set of blocks which allow devices on the host system to be used in a model running on the target system, even if the host and target are not the same computer. These blocks require that the real-time code be connected via external mode, but they provide the powerful ability to use the mouse, keyboard or game controller on the host even when the real-time code is running on an embedded system!

Force Feedback Game Controller blocks Blocks which allow a force feedback game controller on the host to be used, rather than on the target.
Host Initialize Initializes host devices for use with local or remote targets.
Host Heartbeat Receives a heartbeat message from the host to monitor the host connection.
Host Keyboard Reads the state of the keyboard on the host, rather than the target.
Host Game Controller Reads the state of the game controller on the host, rather than the target.
Host Disk Writes the input signal to disk on the host. When configured appropriately it can even write data to disk on the host when the Simulink model is not connected.
Host Mouse Reads the state of the mouse on the host, rather than the target.
Host Speech Recognition Recognizes spoken commands on the host.
Host Speech Synthesis Synthesizes speech from a formatted text string on the host.
Host Beep Emits a beep sound of the given frequency and duration on the host.


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