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HIL Write PWM (Scalar)

HIL Write PWM (Scalar)

Parent Polymorphic VI:HIL Write

Requirements:Quanser Rapid Control Prototyping Toolkit, LabVIEW 2020 or newer


Writes to a PWM channel of a HIL board.

Required Inputs All required inputs must be wired. They appear in bold text in the context help window for the VI.
board in

board in is a reference to a HIL Board instance that represents the open HIL board. This input must be wired to a valid HIL Board signal, as generated by a HIL Initialize VI.


board out

board out is a copy of the HIL Board instance passed to the board in input.


This VI only writes one PWM output. When writing from mixed signal types, it is more efficient to use the HIL Write Mixed than to include multiple VIs specific to each type of channel.

Feedthrough Behaviour

All input/output pairs of this function have direct feedthrough behaviour.


  • RCP CL HIL Analog Loopback Example This example is a simple analog loopback test, but it demonstrates a number of important features of RCP.
  • RCP CL HIL Position Control ExampleThis example demonstrates how to use a PID controller to control Quanser's SRV02 experiment.

    See Also

  • HIL Read

    Reads from analog, digital, encoder and/or other channels of a HIL board.





    RCP Windows (64-bit) Target


    Fully supported.


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