Quanser Haptic 3-DOF Planar Pantograph Blocks End of trail navigation bar

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Quanser Haptic 5-DOF Wand Blocks

Quanser's 5-DOF Haptic Wand is a ground-breaking haptic device. Originally designed and constructed by Prof. Tim Salcudean (at the University of British Columbia) to perform research in haptics, Quanser has advanced the redundant actuator robot into a robust commercial tool. The haptic interface has five Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) allowing for three translations and two rotations (roll and pitch). This is achieved by using a dual-pantograph arrangement. Each pantograph is driven directly by two DC motors at its shoulders and another DC motor, more powerful, at its waist. The control wand end-effector is connected to both end points of each pantograph through Universal joints (U-joints).


Haptic 5-DOF Wand Joint Angles

Reads the joint angles of the Haptic 5-DOF Wand.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Motors

Writes to the motors of the Haptic 5-DOF Wand.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Enable

Enables the amplifiers for the Haptic 5-DOF Wand.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Cartesian Plant

Allows the Haptic 5-DOF Wand to be controlled in task space rather than joint space.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand N-mm to Amps

Converts torque units of N-mm to current in amperes for the Haptic 5-DOF Wand motors.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Emergency Stop

Reads the emergency stop button for the Haptic 5-DOF Wand.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Amplifier Status

Reads the status of the Haptic 5-DOF Wand amplifiers.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Motor Currents

Reads the current driving the Haptic 5-DOF Wand motors.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Gimbal Switch

Reads the status of the Haptic 5-DOF Wand gimbal switch.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Power Supplies

Monitors the Haptic 5-DOF Wand power supplies.


Haptic 5-DOF Wand Forward Kinematics

Converts joint angles to Cartesian world coordinates for the Haptic 5-DOF Wand.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Inverse Kinematics

Converts Cartesian world coordinates to joint angles for the Haptic 5-DOF Wand.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Velocity Kinematics

Converts joint angular velocities to Cartesian world coordinate velocities for the Haptic 5-DOF Wand.

Haptic 5-DOF Wand Inverse Force Kinematics

Converts Cartesian and-effector forces to joint torques for the Haptic 5-DOF Wand.


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